Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis, a national nonprofit organization, today announced that they have completed their initial drive to collect one thousand blood and data samples to build the largest openly accessible, multi-disciplinary repository ever assembled for use in Multiple Sclerosis (MS: 50.39, +3.01, +6.35%) research.
Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis is One-thousand Steps Closer To a Cure for MS4/23/2008
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Written by Julie Stachowiak, Ph.D., curated from
What Does "Human Rights" Have to Do with MS? Usually, the term “human rights” conjures up violations and atrocities, such as prisoners being tortured or genocide taking place in a far-away country. However, human rights have a broader purpose than simply protecting people from the worst things that can happen. To put it simply, human rights are about dignity and what needs to happen (or not happen) so that each person can live with the dignity that they deserve, simply because they are human. Curated from Shabi Guptha
Deciding when to tell your employer of your MS diagnosis is easily as important as deciding when to tell your family. Under ADA rules you do not have to disclose an illness unless it causes a significant challenge in the workplace, or if you are requesting accommodations such as specific equipment or altered work times. Written by John Dorschner
After decades of searching, teams of researchers at the University of Miami and elsewhere have found a gene linked to multiple sclerosis that could lead to breakthroughs in understanding and treating the often-devastating disease. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has a series called Knowledge Is Power which was developed to help you deal with some of the implications of your recent diagnosis. The series will provide you with current and accurate information about MS, address many of your initial questions and concerns, and start you on the road to coping with this significant life change. In this volume, some of the medical aspects of MS will be explained.